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Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Last Minute Valentine

So the Federal Government decided to cramp my style by cancelling election, now my Valection is gone. Here I was awaiting stories.
While I wonder why they ruined what would have been a once in a lifetime experience, I forgive them. Life is too short to be angry at anybody let alone someone who will not notice my anger or be sad I am angry and try to make it up to me. No please, my anger is too precious.

Back to Valentine. :) 

The first thing I remember about valentine happened when I was 8  yrs old. My mom asked my dad, wont you give me a flower and his reply was only flower? There is a flower pot in front of the house, I will bring it inside for you and they laughed .That evening, we ate out and we all got gifts, (the main reason I remember). I dont know what my mom got, because her gift was not opened to the eager eyes of my brother and I.
Next up secondary school, with notes, teddy bears and an evening full of screams from all over the hostels.

University was different strokes for different folks. Those in "inter- state" relationships who imported their Bae(s), those in same state relationships who exported their Bae(s) to wherever it was happening, those who had gifts or dinners and those who just wanted a quiet evening.

I have never gone through my mind to define the meaning of valentine to me. Sometimes I hate it (as most single ladies do), sometimes I love it (as most girls in relationships do)

P.S- My love and hate has never been based on my relationship status. No sire, I hate it because of how it makes single people feel and I love it because it makes people happy.

Valentine-Love/Hate thing

Whatever the case, there is always love to celebrate, Gods love, parents love, partners love or most importantly self love. I think what really matters is getting the person you love to feel special- husband/wife, boyfriend/ girlfriend, mother/father, sister/brother, dog/cat, SELF/teddy bear. Whatever it is, make it happy and aware that it is appreciated. 
If you will be doing it for routine, skip it, except if Bae will give you hell, then by all means.

As the day quickly approaches (to our surprise. Thank you GEJ) , I thought to just say that it really is not about buying gifts to fulfill all righteousness, it really is about doing something for Bae(Before anyone/anything else), Boo(Boo... sorry I dont know but Ill find out), SO (Special One) to celebrate your love.

Whatever you do, ensure it matters to them. Check on their zodiac signs and temperaments to find their interests and desires that you might have missed (yes, love is hard work, if someone gives you their heart, it is no joke). If you have no money, find something "moneyless".  

It might just be a massage or a day to watch some old school movie in a dark room while eating all day long, or an opportunity to sleep all day long, or eat a whole cake alone (yes some people have such strange desires).

Remember, "the best things are not the most expensive, but those that come from the heart"-Quote by Me (hope no one has ever said it, it seems regular though).

What is your best/worst valentine or what is your dream one?  Remember to share something, anything.


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Monday, 2 February 2015

The Ringless proposal

When can my family come to see yours? Can we pick a date before the end of the year? Will you get pregnant for me?? and that was how they got married without him getting on his knees and asking. I wonder thou, when he asked that question, did she scream in excitement or look at him lost. I’m one for the later.

So you have dated since forever or it has not been soo long but you feel like you knew each other from birth and you know you want to wife Bae. You are suddenly glad for those who walked out and had you crying to west life songs. You are even tempted to send a thank you note to them, if they had hung around you would not have met the one who your life revolves around (rolling eyes).

Added to this, your mum has been throwing side jabs- informing you about all her friends children getting married, how they are your age mates or younger. She will go beyond your life and even pick interest your friends relationships (show me the relationship status of your closest friends and i will predict their influence in yours) . Some include asking out rightly about your plans for the future or mentioning it while praying (they are talking to their God after all and not you) nice one mum, let’s not talk about the call on your birthday.

Back to the matter, you want to wife Bae and instead of a mind blowing proposal that will take you months to plan, keep you constantly in touch with Bae’s Bff  for advice, and allow you experience the night time panics caused by the fear of buying the wrong ring size or anything going wrongly. 

What do men do? 

They recite those lazy lines that began this post without the courtesy of a ring (pause to feel the impact of this action).

May i pls ask guys,what is so hard in getting on one knee all shaky, pouring out your heart with no reservations,getting schooled on the real meaning of nervousness and shedding a lil tears that will
hurt no one?
Maybe I had a coma and missed a couple of years, but when did talking about the number of kids and all that  become a synonym for a heart melting speech and a girls dream words “will you marry me?”
I mean what do you achieve by not doing a full blown, extravagant and very necessary proposal?  Bragging rights to say “ I never asked her to marry me,” or “me keh, kneel down for a woman”. Pls spare us the  priding and humble thyself.

In case you shall be Wifing a lady at any point in your life, pls take note about why thou should kneel, speech up and shed a tear-

    1.      Girl priding- most important. This is the cloud 9 feeling a girl has when her proposal pictures are going round and she is trending in her cycle. This involves people calling to hear the gist and say congrats, simply put, she is queen in the girl bliss world and every girl deserves this. 

    2.      Stories- Give her a story for the kids and grand kids about how you were nervous and how she did not see it coming and all the extras she might add to create a good- daddy really valued mummy story.

    3.      Memories- there is a feeling you will forever get when you remember that day, there will always be something to laugh about, and really considering it is a life time deal, you can never have enough of good moments, to help through the annoying times.

 When it comes to marriage, of course love and understanding matter the most, but is there a right  way to propose, is it ok for a guy to just say the few lines above or is a knee proposal necessary??
 what do you think?

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