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Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Mothers run the world: A wedding tale.

The introduction was finally over and her mom looked at her and said-“ I mixed up his surname. I kept telling the pastors to pray you break up with James John instead of James Paul (I hope it is obvious I am using fake names), I only found out his real name when they called him at the introduction, no wonder you people did not break up, because I know God always  answers my prayers.”lool  (What is it they say about God working in mysterious ways?)
My friend is getting married to her boo of 8yrs (before you go awww or the guy tried) you need to understand the story behind these 8 years, the relationship might have been shorter but for a lot of drama to put it in one word: Her mom.


Dear readers, pls do not become lawyers and judges all up in here,  her mom is an amazing mother and wife with the best intentions. Anyway here comes the drama.

Stage 1; Direct : My friend is an Igbo girl and her boo, bae, baby, bestie (trying to recount all the names she calls him, but that would take 2 pages, she changes name per season) is not Igbo.
Her mom gave hints from the moment the relationship began,” he is not Igbo and he does not have money” (You see in life, whatever you lack money makes up for it, be ugly but have money; be a wife beater, but have money; be ill mannered but have money. Money is the perfect Make up, how did the world get here thou?).

Stage 2; Gaining Support:  This drama started about 3 years ago when he was ready to make her a Mrs and maama was not ready to hear that one, she got her husband on her side.(as with almost every Nigerian mother, I personally think that is an unfair battle 2 against 1, until my mom reminds me that –and the 2 shall become 1)
The hubby support was not enough; Maama told the story of her daughter being stubborn to anyone that cared to listen- friend, neighbour, aunty etc.
Some called her to advice her, but she gave them a piece of her mind and when  Maama heard “your daughter was rude”. Maama decided bf was the cause, her daughter had been jazzed.  
Now this stage was terrible for her, because it involved name calling in front of her younger ones- the disobedient child, the bad example (she is the first child).
It got as bad as getting referred by her parent whenever she had needs (including school fees) the bf, since “she had chosen him over them”. Being the amazing guy that he is, he paid the fees and provided support not just him, but his whole extended family. His mom ensured she knew her doors were open 24/7 in case she needed a getaway or peace (which you can be sure she always needed).
His mom went as far as visiting her mother to talk it out (do I need to say how that went?).
But how can you leave someone who was there for you in those moments, he was not there for her alone sef, he brought his family along (who walks away from that? Jezebel’s mentor?)                                               

Stage 3: The eventual miracle
January 2015 came and le’ Boo’s mother told her “we have to do this wedding 2015, start praying (My friend however felt God was on her parents side, if not how could she be suffering so much), but she prayed and really fasted, travelled home and spoke to her dad (in the same words she had used a million times before) and this time he agreed and gave a date for introduction. Maama still did not move.
Here comes introduction day and she did not lift a finger to cook and get ready for the in-laws (my friends alobams came through and the cooking was sha done)
Introduction goes on and Maama hears bobo’s name and realised SHE HAD BEING CALLING THE WRONG NAME at the pastors she had gone to, the confession you read at line one.
It’s now post-introduction and Maama becomes an angel from nowhere. She is all about the wedding and the guy, caliing him, cooking for him when he comes to town “after all, he is her Son-in-law”

Did I mention that this story is 100% real?

It is up to you to decide if miracles happen?

My dear friend, while others might read this with a smile or a laugh, you would read it with a tear or two because to you this was no joke, it was a painful reality for a long while, but congrats you triumphed. Wish you an amazing wedding and a home filled with love.

Experienced this, going through this, see this coming?. Whatever it may, share your thoughts.


  1. Wow! What a story, I must commend the writer....funny how many have lost their partners due to pressure from their folks. My candid advice as the boo in question is Never give up, remember love conquers all...

    1. Love conquers indeed, but patience can never be in excess.I think time changes everything as both the wedding and the home after need maximum family support. Thanks for stopping by.

    2. Love conquers indeed, but patience can never be in excess.I think time changes everything as both the wedding and the home after need maximum family support. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. So, my darling papa told me last night that he would prefer I marry a benin or ishan guy and am like "huh...darling papa, kindly take your thoughts away from me marrying a guy from our tribe".... why do parent set these rules for their children as regards marriage, i understand they are looking out for them but eventually, the decision and the consequences attached to it is mine to take...... am so happy for this lady because she is marrying a very good person..... this writer is awesome...well done girl
